martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

martes, 19 de mayo

Good Morning in the morning!
How do you feel today?
Are you tired? 😴Are you sad? 😟Are you stressed?😰Angry? 😡 Or maybe depressed??😔

This Adorable Toddler Singing Ed Sheeran Is All Of Us On Karaoke NightEvery feeling is ok... it is normal to feel bad sometimes, or angry about something...just remember not to get stuck on a bad feeling... So, to help you feel WONDERFUL, LLDQ Radio brings you another classic, that for sure will make you move your body and sing out loud!!

And now, let's start our day!!


Next Tuesday you will have a test about Unit 8: The kingdom of Reyes Católicos, the discovery and the conquest of América, and the reigns of Carlos I and Felipe II. Please, review the videos, PowerPoints, activities, etc. and you will do it GREAT!

activity 1, page 87


Make a timeline with the events of this unit.
We have just finished the unit, so it’s time to make a review of the most important events. A good way of doing this is by creating a timeline. Here you have the steps to make a timeline:
-          Make a list of the most important dates and events we have studied in this unit (you can look through the videos, PowerPoints, activities….)
-          Write them in chronological order. (that means in the order they happened, the things that happened first go before, and the things that happened later go after)
-          Draw a long line in a piece of paper, and divide it at even spaces, in sections of 1,2,5 or 10 years (make sure you have enough space to include all the years.
-          Decide the information you want to include.
-          Write each date and event along the timeline.
On Thursday I’ll show you my timeline, and you’ll have an activity to make one.

Answer to the next questions on your notebook (copy them, and answer with complete sentences and reasoning it carefully)

  1. Why was Carlos I called “Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany”?
  2. Why people were not happy when Carlos I began to be the king?
  3. What did that unhappiness of people cause? What wars out of the Empire did Carlos I start?
  4. Why did Felipe II become king in 1556, if his father died in 1558?
  5. Why was the expression “The empire on which the sun never sets” used to refer to Felipe II empire? 
  6. Who were the Moriscos? Why was the Spanish Army called “La Armada Invencible”?
  7. Does this map represent the Empire of Carlos I or Felipe II? Explain

Enjoy Your Day GIFs | Tenor

7 comentarios:

  1. Hasta cuando es el plazo. ELENA5B

  2. Hola, ¿cuando tiempo tenemos para enviar la línea del tiempo?
    Soy Nayara
    😘 ❤

  3. Hi Elena and Nayara!
    You DON'T need to send your timeline. Just do it on your notebook. On Thursday I'll show you how I did mine,and you can compare it. And mabye we will have an activity about the dates and events.
    Love you!!

  4. Yo la he hecho en power point para tener un power point sobre el tema. Eso sirve???

    1. Claro que si Mireia. La idea es que te sirva para aprender,estudiar y repasar. Mientras te sirva pra todo eso...


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