Today, LLDQ Radio Station brings you another classic song, with a young Elton John, "DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART"
By the way, Elton John was knighted as a king by her majesty Queen Elisabeth II, becoming Sir Elton John. Can you tell us when and where did that happened?? How can you become a Sir or a Dame?
Write your comment below, please!!
And now, let's start with today's work:
ABOUT THE TEST: Those who did the test before this morning, you can enter again in the link and check your results and your mark. Congratulations! You did it very well!!
If you haven't done it yet, remember that you have only TODAY to finish it. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!
The 17th century in Spain is a "weird" century because during that century Spain stopped being a big Empire, and it lost many territories, but it was a very important moment for culture: writing, sculpture, painting... that's why it is called the Golden Age or "El Siglo de Oro".
One of the most important artists of alltimes is the Spanis artis Diego de Velázquez, who was a Spanish painter in the Siglo de Oro. And one of his most important paintings is "La familia de felipe IV", also known as "Las Meninas".
So, to introduce the unit and to know something else about that masterpiece, we have prepared a worksheet at wizer.me. You have to click on this link
https://app.wizer.me/studentSignin?redir=%2FjoinClass%2FwZvBvr&name=Join Class: Loquit@s de quinto (2020)
enter with your name and password, and click on the activity: las meninas
Page 103.
1. Answer these
are talking about their preferences about animals.
of the children is scared of sharks.
2. For example:
I´m crazy about cats because I think they are such a gift.
I don´t mind fish, because they don´t interact much as pets.
I can´t stand mosquitoes, because they bite me everyday in summer.
Bueno, y para que os echéis unas risas, con las Meninas os dejamos un vídeo que seguro que conocéis...y si no, pues eso que os lleváis. (Disculpad las palabrotas). La verdad es que el vídeo parace una broma y algo así muy divertido, pero tiene su transfondo histórico y nos cuenta algunas cosillas sobre la vida de la realeza y la sociedad del siglo XVII.

Dios mio q video tan raro. Pero que es esa locuraaaaaaaaaaa<
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Eliminarel auto corrector me sale mal en las 1ªpreguntas y en la ultima
ResponderEliminarsoy Isaac
Buenos días Alba, te escribo ya que en el test de sociales en el 5o apartado ¿la correcta no es la "a"?
ResponderEliminarUn beso😘
No, Pedro José.
EliminarA principios del siglo XV, los europeos no tenían informaciónd e América; sólamente de Europa, Áfria y parte de Asia (respuenta c). Si no, Colón no hubiese descubierto América, ¿no?
Es verdad 😅
EliminarVíctor del Pliego Alonso, 5ºB. I enjoyed playing the English game!
ResponderEliminarEl video de Las Meninas no tiene desperdicio. Me ha encantado.
Hola Elton Jhom was Sir in 1962
ResponderEliminarDavid de la fuente
ResponderEliminarAlba me viene como si no hubiese hecho el examen de social...
David de la Fuente
ResponderEliminarAlba no se si se me habrá quedado pillado... Me viene como si no hubiera hecho el examen de social.o me deja ver las notas. Aparte no me deja entrar de nuevo en el test de las meninas, me dice que el tiempo es out....
Que hago? Gracias
David, te lo miro y te mando un email.
EliminarPero me da la sensaciónd e que has entrado con un nombre y contraseña diferente que la otra vez, y se te ha creado un usuario nuevo.
Apúntate elusuario y la contraseña para que siempre sean los mismos.
Un beso
On February 24, 1998, Elton John became Sir Elton John, CBE when he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for British pop music services and his work in fundraising for AIDS charities.
ResponderEliminarGreat answer, Elena!!
Eliminarnos va enseñar la nota de el examen de lengua????
ResponderEliminaro no???
ResponderEliminarsoy Elías
Holis soy victor 5C y sobre LLDQ radio la respuesta es: Elton Jhom was Sir in 1962