jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020



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Today, LLDQ Radio brings you a CLASSIC...THE BEATLES

Are you going out when the sun comes out? It seems that the sunny spring 🌞🌼🌻🌺 is not coming to stay...but this way we feel a little better about having to stay at home 🏡, don't you think?

Here you have today tasks, as every Thursday we have English and Science.

Correction of activities from Tuesday

Page 92.
Exercise 1. Look quickly at the advert and answer these questions:
  • Where is the adventure playground? It is in the treetops, high up in the air.
  • How do you buy tickets? You can buy the tickets visiting the website or by phone.

Exercise 3.
  1. Doesn´t say
  2. Yes (climb on the 20-metre climbing wall)
  3. No (Children aged six or under can play in the Tiny-tots Playground)
  4. Yes (The treetops maze, go along the paths and through the tunnels)
  5. No. (The ice cream is sold in an ice cream shop, not in the café)
  6. Yes (For more information phone 0181…)

Now, let´s go to page 93.
Exercise 1. Read the advert and complete it with the words that you have in the Orange box, filling the gaps.
  1. Walk
  2. Watch
  3. Learn
  4. Visit
  5. Take
  6. Relax

Exercise 2. Answer the five questions in this exercise about both adverts, the one about the treetops and the one about the Aquarium.

I will correct them directly to the ones that send me their answers.


Follow this link and get ready to learn and have fun listening to the recording and doing the activities related. It is about going to the cinema, one of the entertainment activities that we are learning about in this unit.

Listen to the recording and then, do the two activities, one is a multiple choice activity and the other one is a gap fill typing. Remember that you can correct your answers on the same page and… enjoy!


Correction of worksheet
Here you have the worksheet you made though liveworksheet. REMEMBER that several answers were correct in some of the questions. You can print the worksheet or copy it if you want to use it as a summary or as studying material.


REMEMBER what you told you recently: You will have to work hard. We recommend you dedicate every day some time to review the things you have already worked on (watch the videos and presentations again, read the texts at the book….). Try to think that if we were in the school, we will explain the same again day after day, in different ways, answering your questions, and repeating again (and all that repetition makes in many times that the information stays in your memory). So please, BE CONSTANT!

Today we are going on with our unit, we are almost finishing it!!
We are going to study
“The Spanish Empire in the 16th century. 
Carlos I and Felipe II”
You need to do several things:
1st- READ pages 84 and 85 in your book.
2nd- WATCH this video

3rd- DO activity 1, from page 87 (read it carefully, you have to make TWO charts, one for Carlos I and one for Felipe II)
4th- You can LOOK at these two PowerPoint presentations (they say the same that the video, but you can read it instead of listening to it)

CARLOS I                                      FELIPE II

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13 comentarios:

  1. OLEEEEEE!! 🥳🤪😛
    (Víctor 5c)

  2. Muy pocos deberes 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻:)

    1. Leer, ver los videos y los PowerPoints también son deberes, y llevan su tiempo..sobre todoaguantar la risa al verme hacer el canelo...jejeje

  3. Víctor del Pliego Alonso, 5ºB.
    ¡Qué video más chulo, Alba! Así lo comprendemos todo mucho mejor. ¡¡Somos fans!! Con el permiso de LLDQ radio, os dejo otra canción que va que ni pintada con el tema, con un toque...espero que os guste. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJC4RI6xIdY

  4. Hola, soy Noelia de 5'B.
    En la ficha sobre los Reyes Católicos y Colón la palabra"ship "
    esta en singular. Yo pensé escribir "three"pero no encajaba con el número del substantivo (tenía que ser three ships) por eso puse caravel ship.

    1. No te preocupes, Noelia; ya hemos puesto que había varias soluciones posibles, auqneu tienes razón, me comí la s de ship.

  5. Paola
    Alba,qué video tan chulo!!!

  6. Soy Noelia de 5'B.
    Me ha gustado la canción de LLDQ Radio porque te levanta el ánimo. Después de la tormenta, siempre sale el sol. Una buena canción sobrevive en el tiempo como un buen libro.

  7. Iván C. 5°C. Hola a tod@s!!!¡ Alba que video tan chulo y los resúmenes están muy bien . Gracias 🤗

  8. Muy interesante y divertido el vídeo Alba. Soy David Muñoz 5 °B


Thanksgiving day essay