martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Martes, 5 de mayo

This morning, LLDQ Radio (Las Locas De Quinto- read "el", "el" "di" "kiu"), recommends you this great song, to start the day with a lot of rhythm and a smile on your face. 
Dancing and singing are allowed!!!

Now, you've got energy, look at the activities we have brought today for you!

Hoy tenéis dos super actividadeS: VOCABULARIO Y WRITING (you have to send your writing to María)

We are going to go on with our History lessons. We will start unit 8 in our books (Unit 8: Spain during the modern period). In this unit, you will learn about  the kingdoms of the Reyes Católicos, the discovery and conquest of America, and how Spain became an Empire in the 16th century, under the ruler of Carlos I and Felipe II.

These are difficult topics to explain at distance; we will try to make it as easy as we can, but you will have to work hard. We recommend you dedicate every day some time to review the things you have already worked on (watch the videos again, read the texts at the book….). Try to think that if we were in the school, we will explain the same again day after day, in different ways, answering your questions, and repeating again (and all that repetition makes in many times that the information stays in your memory). So please, BE CONSTANT!

Let’s start!
Remember that at the end of the 15th century, Al-Andalus had almost disappeared and the Christian kingdoms had re-conquered most of that territory (only the Reino of Granada was Muslim territory).
We need you to do several things before Thursday:
1st- READ pages 80, 81, 82, and 83 on your book.
2nd- WATCH this video (It explains and summarizes most of what you have read).

3rd- DO this worksheet (you can print it or copy it on your notebook) (and download it here in PDF or Word)

4thDO activity 4 on page 87 in your notebook.

On Thursday we will upload the corrections of the worksheet and the activities (that means you 
DON´T have to send us these activities)

In case you don’t have the books, you can download the pages of this unit HERE.

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Thanksgiving day essay