Thursday again, time to think about our plans for the weekend... I would like to sleep all Saturday morning (but I won't be able to do it), or... make a cake, or.... prepare cold lemonade..mmm...What plans do you have for this weekend? Tell us in the comments (in English, please)!!!!
Today's LLDQ recommendation, a song for a sunny summer day...
And as they say...

Soooo...let's squeeze today's tasks!
Page 97, exercise 2.
1. Claws 2.
Whiskers 3. Beak 4. Scales 5. Spines 6.
7. paws 8. Fin 9. Webbed feet 10. Tongue 11. Pouch 12.
Page 101, exercise 1.
Curl up 2.
Bite 3. Sting
4. Dig 5. Die 6.
Roar 7. Hide
8. lay eggs 9. Dive 10.
Fight 11. Run away
12. Fly away
Here you have a video of how I did my timeline. Yours do not have to be exactly like mine, but it should include the main aspects.
You can download the timeline HERE.
Why was Carlos I called “Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany”? He was called Carlos I of Spain and
V of Germany because he had inherited territories in Spain form his maternal
grandparents Isabel and Fernando, and territories in Germany from his paternal
grandparents, and he was the king of Spain and the Emperor of Germany.
Why people were not happy when Carlos I began to be the king? They were not happy with him because
he was foreign and he didn’t know the customs of Spain, and he got foreign
counselors who raised the taxes.
What did that unhappiness of people cause?
This caused the
Rebellions of las Comunidades and las Germanías.
What wars out of the Empire did Carlos I start?
He started the wars with
France for the control of the north of Italy, the war with the Turks for
controlling the Mediterranean coasts, and the war with Germany to defend the
Why did Felipe II become king in 1556, if his father died in 1558?
He became the king
because his father abdicated (he decided to stop being king).
Why was the expression “The empire on which the sun never sets” used to
refer to the empire of Felipe II?
It was used because the
Empire had territories in all the inhabited continents, so in every moment
there was a place of the Empire where it was daytime.
Who were the Moriscos?
The Moriscos were
Muslims who had to convert into Christianity after the Reconquest of Granada.
Why was the Spanish Army called “La Armada Invencible”?
It was a joke. Felipe II
was very sure he was going to win, but he lost, so the English defeated la
Armada, and it was not invincible anymore.
Does this map represent the Empire of Carlos I or Felipe II? Explain
It represents the Empire of Felipe II
because it has a lot of territories that didn’t belong to Carlos I as Portugal,
or the Philipines.
Today we have an easy task...remember that on Tuesday you will do the test, so use the weekend to review the videos, read the presentations, and study.
We let you here an empty timeline that can help you study or review. You can print it and complete it, or copy it on your notebook.
Remember that it is a tool for studying, so it's up to you how you use it.

At 12 o'clock!!!
Una pregunta sobre lo de la radio se puede mandar ya... hay un tiempo de plazo...porque yo ya lo tengo echo y a donde hay que enviarlo os hecho de menos besos
ResponderEliminarHola, ¿quién eres?
EliminarLo podéis mandar cuando queráis, por e-mail.
Soy Alba de 5°B
EliminarEs Sara López de 5°A
Olivia 5ºB
ResponderEliminarUna pregunta...¿Lo de inglés para cuando hay que enviarlo?
Pues cuanto antes lo hagas mejor, que ademá shoy no tenéis mucha tarea... ¿no?
EliminarLe he preguntado a Marñia y me dice que para el lunes o el martes como muy tarde, que si no se os juntará con la tarea de la semana que viene.
Un besazo
Olivia 5ºB
EliminarMuchas gracias Alba
Raul 5ºc
ResponderEliminar¿Lo del animal hay que hacerlo en ingles?
Yes, Raúl. It is an English task!!!
EliminarYeah, in English please! ��
EliminarHello , I miss you :-(
ResponderEliminarThis weekend I will go out for a walk, I will play fornite or Fifa with my friends.
Cuando os dais la clave para zoom??
ResponderEliminarFabio, tenéis un link con la clave en el post de ayer pero aún así, mañana a primera hora lo volveremos a publicar. Besotes.
EliminarHola, una pregunta sobre el trabajo de ingles: ¿Si haces un PowerPoint también tienes que hacer tu un dibujo del animal que has escoguido en una hoja y luego ponerlo en el PowerPoint o se puede buscar una foto en internet?
ResponderEliminarHola Irene, cariño! Pues si haces un PowerPoint adjunta las imágenes o dibujos que quieras. Si quisieras mandarme tu dibujo aparte como adjunto sería también genial, pero opcional, ok?
EliminarHello, I would like to: Sleep all the morning, do cookies with my mother, go on foot to the supermarket, talk with my friends in videocall, watch Netflix in the TV and watch a serie, do a fruit juice, and play parchís.
ResponderEliminarVíctor del Pliego Alonso, 5ºB. This weekend I would like to play Fornite with my friends and attend to a competition with them. I would like to play "hide and seek" game with my family, at home of course. I would like to have pancakes for breakfast.
ResponderEliminarHi,I'am Ivan Castro de 5ºC.This weekend I Will walk a Little whith my family. I make a plum cake whit my mother.I Will play a Little with my family and a Little ps4 with my Friends and of course Will make the video call with my grandparents, uncles and cousins. Have a nice weekend.
ResponderEliminarThis weekend I would like to have breakfast with my parents and brothers that during the week we cannot. I would like to go out for a walk. Eat and play with my friends. I would also like to see a movie and eat popcorn.
ResponderEliminarBye, Sergio Sánchez.
Hi, I'm Noelia of 5'B.
ResponderEliminarWarm weather is finally here for this reason I would like to leave my home all the weekend and I would like to be away without coming home for a week. But for now it's impossible.
On Saturday I'm going to to call all my friends through video call because I have a great time with them. Later I'm going to watch a movie with my family.
On Sunday I'm going to to help my mother clean the house and make cookies. I love my mother's cookies. Later I'm going to go outside a little and I'm going to play with my brother.
That's all.
Have a nice weekend.
This week what I have done has been playing fortnite with my friends, making video calls with my friends, doing homework, studying, I have washed the dishes, I have cooked, I have cleaned my room and I draw and sleep jiji ��
ResponderEliminarI`m going to play video games with my friends. I`m going to go out to play football with my brother and I`m going to watch a film with my family and read my new book.
This weekend I am going to ride a bike, play with my friends, sleepimg, watch films with my family and do a cake.
ResponderEliminarHi everyone, I'm Lucia at 5ºC and this is my story about what I do on the weekend ...
ResponderEliminarFirst I get up, breakfast, I clean up, and I watch TV for a while, at 13:30 we go for a walk and see the rabbits that we have next to my house, then we go to eat then I go I have to talk to my friends over a WhatsApp video call and hangouts, then I go to play with my sister for a while, then I take a shower and dinner, then I go to see a chapter of my favorite series, and finally I go to sleep to 12 o'clock at night ... (I ACTUALLY DO THAT EVERY DAY LESS SCHOOL DAYS ... BUT THAT'S ALREADY ANOTHER STORY��)